Are you really ready for a family emergency?

Did you know over 300,000 people die each year from a heart attack and the age of the victims is as young as infants to teenagers participating in sports events. In over 50% of the cases these incidents occur at home or nearby the home. So we encourage you to be ready to shift into gear by getting trained on what to do in these medical emergencies.
Lifesavers offers two excellent courses you can take for peace of mind. The first American Heart Association certification course we recommend is CPR for infant/ child and adult. This trains you for people of any age so it is the most comprehensive training you can get to be ready to act in a time of need. See here for more details.
The second training course we recommend for caring parents is BLS which stands for Basic Life Support. In this class you will learn the proper immediate action steps to take in emergencies where someone you love may be injured or needing assistance until full medical emergency treatment is available.