CPR & First Aid Training
Course Calendar
Our training center offers a wide variety of certification and training courses in CPR and first aid training every month.
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On-Site Training
Let us come to you! Our staff or our training partners can are all over the country waiting to work with you.
Training at LifeSavers Inc. in Fairfield, New Jersey
LifeSavers, Inc. located in Fairfield, NJ is an authorized American Heart Association Training Center serving all fifty states. We offer various courses to healthcare providers, companies, community-based organizations, or to anyone interested in a life saving course. Our state-of-the-art training facility is equipped to provide students with the optimum learning experience. Our training center is conveniently located just off Route 46, moments from Routes 80, 280 and 287. Just 15 minutes from Manhattan.
eLearning Online Courses
The American Heart Association and LifeSavers, Inc. offers online training. Students complete all course work online at work or at home and then come to LifeSavers, Inc. for a skills test. A great option for re-certifications or anyone needing the flexibility to complete the course on their schedule.
Training at Your Location
LifeSavers, Inc is a American Heart Association National Training Center. LifeSavers, Inc. has been conducting classes for more than fifteen years. A highly trained instructor will come to your location, day or night, to teach your employees how to save a life.
Our Courses
The BLS for Healthcare Providers course covers core material such as adult and pediatric CPR (including two-rescuer scenarios and use of the bag mask), foreign-body airway obstruction and automated external defibrillation. This course is for healthcare providers such as EMS personnel, physician assistants, doctors, dentists, nurses, respiratory therapists, and lifeguards who must have a credential (card) documenting successful completion of a Healthcare Provider CPR course.
Course Length: Approx 4.5 Hours
Course Fee: $85.00
The Heartsaver® CPR AED course is intended for all individuals who have a duty to respond to a cardiac emergency because of job responsibilities or regulatory requirements, including; security guards, airline personnel, personal trainers and teachers.
It is also appropriate for lay rescuers who may have a need to respond to an emergency in the workplace, and family members of patients at high risk for sudden cardiac death.
Course Length: Approx 3 hours
Note: The Heartsaver CPR / AED Course is not recommended for people in or entering the medical profession. Please see BLS for Healthcare Provider.
The Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid course teaches how to manage illness and injuries on a child in the first few minutes until professional help arrives. Topics covered iin the Pediatric First Aid course include; Child Safety, First Aid Basics, Medical Emergencies, Injury Emergencies and Environmental Emergencies.
Course Length: Approx 4 Hours
Course Fee: $50.00
ACLS is an advanced, instructor-led classroom course that highlights the importance of team dynamics and communication, systems of care and immediate post-cardiac-arrest care. It also covers airway management and related pharmacology. In this course, skills are taught in large, group sessions and small, group learning and testing stations where case-based scenarios are presented. ACLS is designed for healthcare professionals who either direct or participate in the management of cardiopulmonary arrest and other cardiovascular emergencies. This includes personnel in emergency response, emergency medicine, intensive care and critical care units. Upon successful course completion, including demonstration of skills competency in all learning stations and passing the CPR and AED skills test, bag-mask ventilation skills test, a Megacode test and a written test, students receive an ACLS course completion card, valid for two years.
The ACLS Course includes:
- Key changes in advanced cardiovascular life support, reflecting the 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
- Basic life support skills, including effective chest compressions, use of a bag-mask device and use of an (AED)
- Recognition and early management of respiratory and cardiac arrest
- Recognition and early management of peri-arrest conditions such as symptomatic bradycardia
- Airway management
- Related pharmacology
- Management of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and stroke
- Effective communication as a member and leader of a resuscitation team
- Effective Resuscitation Team Dynamics
Course Format: 14 Hours (Over Two Days) Students MUST attend both days
Course Fee: $275.00
The PALS Course is for healthcare providers who respond to emergencies in infants and children. These include personnel in emergency response, emergency medicine, intensive care and critical care units such as physicians, nurses, paramedics and others who need a PALS course completion card for job or other requirements. Students who successfully complete all components of the PALS Course, will receive a PALS Provider course completion card, valid for two years.
The PALS Course includes:
- Key changes in pediatric advanced life support, reflecting the new science from the 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
- 1- and 2-rescuer child CPR and AED use
- 1- and 2-rescuer infant CPR
- Management of respiratory emergencies
- Rhythm disturbances and electrical therapy
- Vascular access
- Resuscitation team concept
- Cardiac, respiratory and shock case discussions and simulations
- Systematic Approach to Pediatric Assessment
Course Format: 14 Hours (Over Two Days) Students MUST attend both days
Course Fee: $275.00
Sports Awareness for Educating Today’s Youth
On May 12, 1986, New Jersey became the first state in the nation to pass legislation which protects volunteer athletic coaches, managers, and officials from lawsuits. Commonly referred to as the “Little League Law” (2A:62A-6 et. seq.), this legislation extends partial civil immunity to volunteers who have attended a “safety orientation and training skills program.”
Since 1986, the Youth Sports Research Council, in cooperation with the New Jersey Recreation and Park Association (NJRPA) has trained more than 200,000 volunteer coaches in New Jersey.
In accordance with the stipulations in the Little League Law, the Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Clinic helps coaches minimize the risk of injury to young athletes provides information about fundamental coaching concepts which enhances volunteer coaches’ effectiveness and protects volunteer coaches from civil lawsuits.
The curriculum for the Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Clinic is based upon the Minimum Standards for Volunteer Coaches’ Safety Orientation and Training Skills Programs (N.J.A.C. 5:52).
The topics include:
Legal Aspects of Coaching
Psychological Aspects of Coaching
General Coaching Concepts
Training and Conditioning Athletes
Medical/First Aid Aspects of Coaching
Individuals attending the Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Clinic receive:
The Coaches’ Reference Manual (4th edition)
The Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Clinic Certification Card
Permanent registration with YSRC
This Heartsaver First Aid course teaches rescuers to effectively recognize and treat adult emergencies in the critical first minutes until professional help arrives. Topics covered in the Heartsaver First Aid course are; General Principals, Medical Emergencies, Injury Emergencies, and Environmental Emergencies.
Course Time: 3-4 Hours
Course Fee: $45.00
Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition, and Stabilization
PEARS teaches providers how to recognize respiratory distress, shock and cardiac arrest, and provide appropriate lifesaving interventions within the initial minutes of response until the child is transferred to an advanced life support provider. The goal of PEARS is to improve the quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured infants and children, resulting in improved outcomes.
PEARS is for healthcare providers such as emergency medical technicians (EMTs), medical and surgical nurses, school nurses and any other healthcare provider who infrequently sees critically ill infants and children.